Why Setting Goals is Important: How to grow wings series

A Rahman
7 min readNov 18, 2021


Choosing our goals, clears our questions and confusions concerning what we need from our life, clears the thought process, clear aims, and clear contemplation, setting out goals means making arrangements for our fruitful future or longing dream.
Setting a goal helps us to get focused. If we set a goal without making an arrangement of how we’ll accomplish our dreams then, at that point, it’s simply a desire, and there is a huge distinction between a wish and a decision.
Without clear goals, it is easier to bounce back and forth between other people’s ideas and what we want from ourlife. Having goals for things we need to do and running after them is a significant part of being human. The way towards our goals may not generally run as expected or be simple, yet having goals, regardless of whether big or small, is essential for what makes life great.

Benefits of setting a goal

Determine the need
The demonstration of defining goals drives us to consider what we genuinely desire.
What is the degree of accomplishment we need to accomplish? What is the pay level we need to have? What would be our dream home? What do we require to accomplish our dreams?
When we put out these ultimate goals, we then, at that point, separate our cravings into achievable, quantifiable objectives.
These goals keep us persuaded, assisting us with staying away from hesitation and keeping us laser-focused in accomplishing our dreams. It is the demonstration of setting, accomplishing, and outperforming goals that make carrying on with our most ideal life.
Defining an objective resembles having a guide, we know where we are and where we are going.

Goals help us to focus. When we set a goal we know what our next step will be and in which direction we need to move. When set a goal we know our target and exactly where to aim.
Without goals, we will senselessly burn through our time, energy, and endeavours. These goals will assist us with adjusting our activities and practices as we keep pushing ahead. It provides guidance, arrangement, and reason.
At the point when we have a goal, we feel that we are advancing toward an objective that is significant. Without a goal, we may begin a project and afterward move to another before finishing the last one. On the off chance that we never finish what we start, we achieve nothing beneficial.

Measure Progress
Setting goals helps to track progress. When we have a certain objective, we can track how far or close we are to our goals. Things that are working for us and things that need some extra work to move forward.
Additionally, having a clear goal can assess our advancement since we generally have a decent endpoint or benchmark to contrast. It helps us to re-evaluate and figure out what adjustments need to be made to reach the goal.
So, why is setting a goal important? Setting goals is key to keeping ourselves accountable and on track towards accomplishing our goals according to the schedules and deadlines we set for ourselves.

It’s not hard to delay work until tomorrow when there is no goal on the line. By setting a goal we give ourselves a substantial endpoint to focus on and get amped up for. It gives us something to put 100 percent of our work into and this centre is the thing that creates motivation.
By setting and accomplishing a goal can turn out to be really persuasive and super irresistible.

Achieve Even More
At the point when we put out a goal and achieve it, it provides the flavour of triumph. We will need to taste that once more.
What’s the significance here? We propel ourselves towards the following bar of the stepping stool, challenge ourselves to move past another roof, we accomplish considerably more.
Pursuing gathering and astonishing objectives assists us with accomplishing much more than at any point expected.

Overcome Procrastination
At the point when we put out a goal for ourselves, we make ourselves responsible to wrap up the responsibility. This is the contradiction with when we do things based on an impulse and it doesn’t make any difference if we complete them.
Objectives will in general stick in our psyche and if not finished they give our mind a reminder “that I need to do it today”. These updates toward the back of our mind assist us to stop procrastinating.

What Are Short-Term Goals?

Short-term goals are not generally that short. They might be a month, a half year, or a year. These are the venturing stones goals to move forward towards the Long-term goals. These goals can additionally be separated into everyday goals and week-after-week goals.
Regardless of whether we are planning our personal growth, making life objectives, or making career decisions, these short-term goals can assist us with getting off to a decent beginning.

Career Goals
Maybe we have a drawn-out professional goal to fabricate our own business and become independently employed. That is a long term goal. To reach this long-term goal we need to break it into small stepping stones like separate it into month-to-month goals, probably. For instance, put out more short term goals, for example
• Making a new client every month
• Attend at least two different seminars and workshops to enhance skills in a month.
• Start working as a freelancer to get the experience.

Life Goals
Having a goal doesn’t necessarily mean having a professional goal, it is equally important to have a personal goal in life. How about we utilise a typical personal goal for instance:
We need to shed 100 pounds in the following two years. That appears to be overwhelming, isn’t that right? Make the weight reduction more reasonable by separating it into short-term goals like:
• Lose something like 4 pounds each week.
• Intake only 1,500 calories/ day.
• Put forward a goal of waking up before work and going for a morning run for days a week.
• Going to the gym five times every week.
Defining and following small-term goals that lead up to long-term vision assists with keeping us persuaded and on the correct way. Praise each accomplishment to keep up the energy!
In case we don’t reach each small-term goal, don’t fail to focus on long-term goal. Pull together, reconsider and start once more.

Financial Goals
Regardless of whether we are saving to purchase a house, go into business, retire, travel, or save for our kid’s education, small-term goals can help us reach these big objectives in life.
Suppose we need to save Rs. 50,000 for an instalment on another house, however, we just have Rs. 20,000 extra each month. Put out some small-term goals to assist with making it a reality.
For example:
• Try not to spend more each month on outings.
• Save few bucks from each check.
• Find part-time work to save additional each month.
Track objectives and stick to them. Before we know it, we’ll be finishing on that new home since we zeroed in on momentary objectives that made our vision a reality.

Self-improvement goals are the hardest objectives to achieve because it’s so natural for us to release them amidst day-to-day existence. It compels us to check out and sort out where we need to see ourselves and what new abilities will help us to reach that goal.
Suppose we need to improve as a writer and we think we’ll need to turn into an early riser to have sufficient opportunity to commit to our goal. In the first place, start with a decent attitude. Any change to our present way of life requires an uplifting perspective. Put out short-term objectives like:
• Wake up at 6:00 a.m. on weekdays to compose no less than 1,000 words.
• Discover a guide to assist with sharpening our skill.
• Peruse somewhere around one book each month about copywriting.
• Take two courses about composition in the following half-year.

What Are Long-Term Goals?

A long-term goal is what we want to accomplish over the long haul or later on. Where do we want to see us in five years?

Everybody has a plan of action for their life. We envision what our future will be like, what we will do, how we will be living, and even who we will be living with.
While things hardly work out as planned, put forward long-term goals and work toward them. Without a long-term goal, we are living aimlessly.

Long-term goals can be applied to pretty much any aspect of our life, including our personal, professional, financial or wellbeing. Here is an illustration of the sorts of objectives we can set.

I will fabricate my own business and become completely independently employed.

I will be more expressive and develop communicational skills to further enhance my relational abilities with the goal that I can be more mindful of my partner.

I will set aside enough cash for an up front instalment on a house in the following five years.

Individual life
I will lose 100 pounds in the following two years.

Since we have thought of the sorts of goals we can set, it’s an opportunity to figure out how to layout and reach those goals.


These are just some of the advantages of setting a goal that defines why it truly is so significant.
Setting goals can take us to some astonishing places in life since we all have abilities and aspirations. To accomplish our greatest dreams, we need to set certain goals for our life and work toward accomplishing these goals.

