Why Self-Evaluation is Important? : How to grow wings series

A Rahman
4 min readJan 10, 2022


Self-evaluation is a key factor in determining the growth of oneself. It is pretty much assessing yourself before anyone else.

We are evaluated pretty much in every step of our life. When we are babies, our parents evaluate us with each passing month to see how many milestones we completed at a certain age.

When we start our academic education, we are evaluated by our teachers, when we step into our professional life, we are evaluated by our employers.

Sometimes we feel that the evaluation was biased. So one should evaluate himself/herself, so there will be no bias, and he/she can know different aspects of personality.

Some of the basic questions that one must ask himself to self-evaluate are:

  1. How well are we performing against set criteria?
  2. Are we meeting the expectations that we have for ourselves?
  3. What are our strengths and weaknesses? and Why?
  4. How do we need to improve?
  5. What is our action plan?

Remember, self-evaluation is not just a task that you can get done with. It is a work-in-process that has no beginning and no end. One must evaluate himself/herself with time to find new challenges, things that he or she loves, and things that he or she needs to work on.


  • Gain Insight

One of the most important benefits of self-evaluation is that the person gains insights into how he sees himself. What are his strengths and weaknesses?

If you know your strengths, you can get ahead of a lot of things. When you know you can excel in something, it will help you grow more and achieve more.

And your weakness doesn’t mean they are your downfall, it is something that you need to work on. You have to find a way around it, so it doesn’t hold you back.

  • Confidence

Self-evaluation gives you the confidence to trust yourself. When you self-evaluate, you know your strengths and weaknesses. You know your ability to achieve certain goals. When you have confidence in your ability to work on a certain project, it will also help you in decision making.

Whereas if you don’t know your weakness and your strengths, you will never be confident enough to make a decision or choose a path. You will be in a dilemma whether I can do it or not?

Knowing all your positives and negatives can give a sense of confidence because you know where you need to improve.

  • Focus

Once you self-evaluate, you realise the things you love but keep on procrastinating. It will improve your focus on the things that you love and will help you make the right decisions about things that can benefit you.

Self-evaluation will help you to work out of your comfort zone and will help you not to hold back.

  • Overcome your Weaknesses

Self-evaluation is not only about the things you are good at but also your flaws. It is not possible to be perfect at everything. There are things you are good at, and there are things that need improvement.

So, when you self-evaluate, you find out all these flaws that need to be worked on. This will help you in the future to overcome those flaws.

When you overcome your weaknesses, you will not be afraid to take on new challenges in fear of making mistakes. You will have a positive attitude and do your best to complete these challenges.

  • Goals

When you self-evaluate, you find out if you are still committed to your goal. As I mentioned earlier, self-evaluation is always work-in-process, so when you self-evaluate, you will find out whether you still want to continue what you planned for the future, or you want to take another route.

When you set a goal, you need to keep re-evaluating it. It will help you to motivate and move towards your goal.

  • Motivation

When you self-evaluate, you summarise all your accomplishments and failures, but when you look at the bigger picture, you realise how much better you are doing. Your accomplishment will boost your morale. And it will motivate you to take on more challenges for your growth, and you will thrive to succeed in them.

Same as your weaknesses, when you evaluate your failures or a bad decision, it can also motivate you not to make the same mistakes again and to excel in upcoming projects.


These were some important points on the significance of self-assessment. As referenced previously, self-assessment offers an individual a chance to think about himself. It is one of the vital tools for personal development.

