Hack your interviews like a pro: How to grow wings series

A Rahman
4 min readOct 11, 2021


Whenever we show up in the interviews either we are nervous or not confident about ourselves. We want to excel in every question of our interview but don’t know how we can. Today I will guide you through some of the ways to perform exceptionally well in an interview.

No matter how many interviews you have given before the process doesn’t get any easier. Because you are meeting new people that have different kinds of mindsets, you have to sell your set of skills differently and you always have to be up to date about any new changes happening in your industry.

Now I am going to walk you through the process step by step:


Remember it is an interview, not an exam so you don’t need to start studying but the first thing that has vital importance is knowing your resume. You must be confident enough to talk about your educational and work background.

The second thing is you must also go through the job description that you have applied for to know all the responsibilities and duties you have to perform so in case they discuss that in the interview you are already prepared for it.

You should do your research about the company you are going to. It will help you ask the relevant questions about the company and will leave a good impression in front of the interviewer.


1. Dress-code

As you all have read it somewhere at some point in time

“The first impression is the last impression”

It is very important to dress professionally while going to an interview. It usually depends on your industry as in software firms they don’t care about how well dressed you are but it should be clean and decent. You must always understand the place and post you are applying for and dress accordingly.

Because the way you look is going to make an opening impression on you before anyone could tell them anything about your experience. So, it is important to have a presentable impression.

2. Control your Nerves

Some people get so nervous that you can see it all over their faces. It is important to calm your nerves so that you can do certain exercises like breathing exercises or yoga that can help you. But the most important thing is you have to believe in yourself and should constantly remind yourself that “I can do it.”

3. Being Punctual

It is always better to be early than late. Always try to be on time for your interview, it always leaves a good impression. There is a possibility that you have to wait for a bit.

While you are waiting you must wait patiently rather than being on your phone or walking around or eating. You must sit properly and think about the questions you have for the interviewer (you should prepare a list of questions you have regarding the job and company beforehand).

4. Greeting the Interviewer

Greet your interviewer with a handshake and smile. You should be energetic and initiate a conversation that may help you relax a bit and get comfortable.

Remember don’t try to be over-friendly or talk too much. It is always important to keep the conversation professional.

5. Eye Contact

You must always maintain eye contact while answering the interviewer. Some people tend to get nervous and they look around rather than making eye contact. This is a big no-no for you.

If there is more than one interviewer you must make eye contact with each one of them while answering their specific question. Making eye contact gives the impression of confidence so you must exhibit it.

6. Talk Politely:

One of the key factors that assess your personality in front of the interviewer is the way you talk. Talk politely, it doesn’t mean talk slowly, there is always a difference. You must not talk so loud that it bothers the interviewer or don’t talk so slow that they can’t hear you.

It is good to maintain a soft tone with confidence to answer. Always speak clearly and with confidence. Don’t get nervous.

7. Answer Smartly

You should answer their questions smartly. Try to answer with real-life experience so that they get a better understanding of your skills. It is important to tell them what you have achieved but it doesn’t mean you should brag about yourself or try to incorporate things/experiences that are not relevant to the question.

8. Don’t Hesitate:

You might not know the answers to certain questions in this situation don’t hesitate or don’t lie.

It is better to let them know clearly that you don’t know the answer and you are willing to learn new things to gain more knowledge about it. Also ask them to explain their question when you don’t understand the question clearly.

9. Thanking the Interviewer:

After the interviewer finished asking the questions, you must ask all prepared questions to them.

And once the interview is done you must thank the interviewer with a smile and a handshake.


  • It is possible that you may or may not hear from them for a long time, be patient.
  • If you get the job, negotiate your terms and conditions of work.
  • If you don’t get the job, ask for feedback so you can improve it for your next interview.
  • You must stay positive in all the circumstances and try to get better and better at everything you do.

One tip, probably the most important one, that will be life-saving for you is when you leave the interview, go home and always make a list of questions that you have no knowledge and research about asked in the interview. This will not only help you increase your knowledge but will definitely help you with your upcoming interviews.

